Tuesday, 13 January 2015

11:11 and Synchronicity

“The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One-One (1-1-1-1); Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!” ~ Edgar Cayce
I started this blog this morning and then it got left to one side.  

Procrastinator extraordinaire!! 

Turns out, that was another synchronicity, because now I have something important to say.  

I've noticed more and more recently that the Collective Consciousness is growing stronger every day.  Especially in the days leading up to Christmas, and then everything has sped up hugely since the turn of the New Year and the Full Moon on January 5th.  There were also significant numerology connections but that's not an area of expertise for me.  However, there are plenty of numerologists out there who will be saying the same thing and going into a lot of depth.

Our world has been changing massively in the past few years though, not just the last few weeks.  It appears to have all really got going from the beginning of 2001.  The first day of that year was 01012001 - or 010101
The next year we had 020202, then 030303 etc.

Once we got to 12/12/12 we had to move on to the time, so that's when we began to notice 11:11 more than ever before.  Many people had been noticing it before then, but suddenly there were a lot more of us.  As time has gone on, more people have been noticing 2:22, 3:33 etc and even up to 12:12

There are no more dates for the time being, but the 2nd February is likely to have some significance somewhere, and I've already been told that in particular the 4th of April has some amazing conjunctions in the cosmos.  We are in very exciting times, people!  And if you're reading this, then you're part of the team who are helping it to happen.  You've wanted and craved change for such a long time now, yet you're still fighting against it in your head.

Don't believe me?  Do you spend most of your time knowing everything will be ok in the end?  Or are you focusing on all the terrible things that are going on in the world and thinking that there needs to be death and destruction before anything can change for the better?

Hasn't there been enough death and destruction by now?  Enough wars? Enough terrible things?

Yes.  I'm not even waiting for your answer on that one because there has been enough - more than enough.

We know that there is not only a Father God, but a Mother God as well.  We've lived through over 2,000 years of a patriarchy, and most of us had no idea until very recently - but now we do know, and we're remembering who we are.  Those visions of ancient times, historical events, future ways... they're not just visions, they're memories.  Your memories.

Over the last few weeks, those of us already working towards the betterment of everything have been receiving downloads of DNA upgrades.  Many other people had received their upgrades, since at least 21st December 2012 when the Mayan calendar ended.  I have mentioned in a previous blog that their calendar ended because it was the end of an era rather than the end of the world.  Since the 1st January 2001 the old era has been ending, and since 21st December 2012 the new one has been beginning.  We're in the final stages of the transition now, and believe me, it's going to be absolutely amazing when we get to the other side of this!!

A few months ago I was talking to my best friend about double rainbows.  I've only started seeing them since my lovely Kev took a photo of one while he was in New Zealand, and I've seen more and more of them since he died over there.  My friend hadn't heard of them until I mentioned them, and then the very next day she saw one for herself!  This goes towards proving that the results of Quantum experiments are pointless, because they are affected by the Observer's pre-existing judgements.  In Schrodinger's experiment with the cat, he limited the outcomes by saying that the cat would either be alive or dead.  We know from many other experiments that there are endless possibilities until the Observer gets involved, and then it pings into one choice.

If the only expected possibilities are that the cat is alive, or the cat is dead, then those will be the only results that will ever be seen.  That experiment could only have proved that if something has a 50% chance of being right, then 50% of the time it will be wrong.  Who needed to put a cat's life in danger to prove that?!

So I hadn't seen a double rainbow until Kev pointed one out, and then I began to see them almost every time there was a combination of sunshine and rainfall.  Were they double rainbows all along, but I'd only been able to see the single bow because that's how they'd always been presented to me in art, stories and tv programmes?  Was I blinded by expectations?

Then yesterday this photo appeared on my timeline, and after having thought about the above for so long, I got ridiculously excited.  What if I'm right, and we couldn't see the other part of the double simply because we didn't know to look for it?  How would you like to see this kind of rainbow every time the sun came out to play in the rain??

Now you've seen it, you can't unsee it.  I'm planning to print this off so that I get it really set in my mind what it looks like, and then I'll know what to look for when the weather allows next time.  How flippin' exciting is that??

Well, I can tell you, it gets even better!  I mentioned synchronicity in the title as well.  So I know that by now this blog will already be resonating deeply with many of you, because we're being affected by Collective Consciousness now.  Everyone in the world is being affected by it.  Look at those marches in Paris and London after the terrorist acts.  People are standing up, and they're making sure it's known that they won't take this lying down any more.

There are still some people who are still in the dark about what's going on around them.  Those people will be in your friends and family groups, and they need you to shine your light so they can see the way, but please remember not to blind them by shining it straight into their eyes.  I've made this mistake, and the result is a family who feel as though they've been through the Spanish Inquisition, complete with an electric lamp in their faces!  It's not conducive to helping their vision, trust me.  Now I'm lighting the pathway and allowing them their own time to ask for help.  We'll all get there eventually - slowly, slowly, catchy monkey!!

A major part of shining the light is ensuring that we've let go of all of our own fears.  The difficult thing about living through this time has (for me at least) been the stark difference between how happy and secure I feel in the privacy of my own home, in comparison to the doubts and fears that sneak in when I spend time outside with other people.  That's enough to make anyone agoraphobic, but I know now that it's just one of the phases we need to go through in order to get to where we're going.  A step on Jacob's Ladder if you like... Mamafoo's choice of artwork is just as beautiful as she is, and she's been a huge help to me on my journey - the perfect living example of a gentle nudge in the right direction, without ever telling me what to do.  Exactly what a little rebellious child like me needs!! Love you lady!! <3

This brings me to Twin Flames and Soulmates and the difference between them.  There's so much confusing information around, and up until about 3 months ago I hadn't even heard the phrase twin flame.  I've done bits of research, but it's so complicated I about gave up trying.  Then I discovered who mine is.  Oh wow! This is SO exciting I can barely contain myself!!!  

OK wait, calm... Breathe!!

OK we all have a vague idea what a Soulmate is.  Some of us have spent our entire lives in search of our own, and have been heartbroken so many times to discover that we were wrong.  Again!  But if you're anything like me, not one of those heartbreaks has stopped that inner knowing that your perfect partner is out there and you just haven't met yet?  Well I'm here to tell you, we were right all along!  

That's your Twin Flame.  The One.  The person you were always destined to be with for this time, and to infinity and beyond.  You will live happily ever after, because you'll be with your true "other half".  

Soulmates are slightly different than I'd previously been given to believe.  All of the people in your immediate circle are soulmates.  I'm lucky enough to have been born with many of mine, and we're mostly extremely old souls so we had a fair bit of Karma to release.  All of those Karmic bonds have been released now though, so I'm hoping not to uncover any more surprises over the next few days!! (Just when I think they're all gone, another one pops up saying "Ha! You missed a bit!" and I have some more cleansing to do!)  I can promise that those cleaning sessions get quicker and easier as you get towards the end of the path though.  We've been practicing forgiveness on and off for our whole lives, so just remember that you already know how to do it - and practice makes perfect! 

If you have soulmates within your family, then the relationships will have switched and changed around over different incarnations, and the people you bond with the most are those you have the least karmic debt with.

This also applies to ex lovers.  It's easy to focus on the bitter breakup and the horrible things that were said at the end of a relationship, but those relationships started for the best of reasons.  You both felt the soul recognition when your eyes met, whether you were conscious of it or not.  As time went on, one of you realised that the other was not their "One" after all, and then the hurt begins.  If you go beyond the hurt and back to when you first met and those first flushes of love, I'm sure you'll recognise the truth in what I'm saying.  This is how we forgive the hurt from our past.  Let it go.  It wasn't their fault.  

And more importantly to the ego, it wasn't your fault either.

We finally have the freedom to forgive when we realise that it's not their fault and nobody's to blame.

We can forgive anybody anything if we think about things from a soulmate point of view, coupled with a "nature and nurture" instead of an either/or scenario.

We're living in a black and white, yes or no, on or off world because we think that's the only way.  And while we continue to think that's the only way, it continues to be the only way.

We have the power to change things - any of my other blogs will give you more reasoning behind this statement.  Take your pick, they're all complimentary, they don't need to be read in any order.  I've left a little trail of breadcrumbs via links within the blogs so they should all lead to each other eventually.

Part of our dualistic expectation is that for any pleasure to be enjoyed, first pain has to be endured.  To a certain extent this IS true.  Look at the pain we've all been through in our lives, what the world has gone through... and realise that we don't have to have any more death and destruction now.  We've had all the destruction necessary for us to open our eyes, and now we have the skills and knowledge to start waking our brothers and sisters up.  We're all connected, but I'll cover that in a later blog.

For now, please know that everything is going to be alright.

I've seen a warning this evening, because someone has been told to "brace yourself".  I can completely understand this being scary under the circumstances, but at the same time, I can also reassure you that the warning has just been mistranslated.

"Brace yourself" for the impact that will be felt with the Twin Flames meet their other halves.  When all that love, true love, endless love.... the ultimate happy ending to any story, when the Princess gets the Guy... that's going to have a really big effect.  And it will be wonderful!

In fact, it will be F*!?ing Awesome!!

We are the Light Workers.  It's our job to bring the light.  It's time to let go of our fears, because they're coming from the old collective consciousness.  It's obsolete now, it just doesn't realise it yet.  It's like a lizard's tail that's been chopped off, and now we're just a bunch of kids watching it jump around on the pavement.

It's time to turn back to the business at hand.  We all have really important work to do, but it doesn't have to be all serious!!  The whole point of changing things is to get out of this paradigm we're currently stuck in, and while we're still paying attention to the lizard's tail, we're neglecting our relationships with our families and friends.  Worst of all, we've been neglecting our relationships with ourselves.

Go within.  You know that's where all the answers are, because you keep hearing those conversations in your head.  Who do you think you're talking to?  Yourself? Or your Self?  Go and find your Self if you don't already know who you are.  We'll be here to remind you if you need a gentle nudge in the right direction.

The reason for all the additional feminine energy just lately is that it's been so sadly lacking for so long.  Our Matriarchs are taking some of the control back, but not all of it.  This time it's a joint effort.  Father God and Mother Earth.  

We worshipped a God made in our own image, but it was given a male face.  Now it's time to remember who our Mother is, and to thank her for looking after us and nurturing us even when we didn't realise she still loved us.

It's time to come home <3

Monday, 12 January 2015

Everyday Miracles

When I woke up on Christmas morning, I was in a really great mood.  I went downstairs and outside for my customary first-thing-in-the-morning smoke, and the sky was pretty much clear and the sun was out.  Something of a miracle after the two days I'd just spent in a bit of a dark "episode" of unwellness.  Then, just as I was thinking how clear the sky was, it started raining.  Erm... what?!  I looked up again, and there was in fact very thin cloud cover overhead, and then there was thunder.  Again... what??  It didn't rain hard, but it was weird.  But still, it was Christmas Day, and we LOVE Christmas in our family.

Now I'm not the most organised of people, and as of last weekend I still had the food shop to do and a couple more presents to buy, so being not very well for a couple of days meant that I'd not left the house and they'd not been bought.  Most people would go into a big panic about this, but my general demeanour means that I try not to sweat the small stuff... OK, so not having food in for Christmas is probably not classed as "small stuff" by a lot of people, but I decided a few months ago that this was going to be "the best Christmas ever" and I wasn't about to let a little setback like that put the kybosh on it!

Facebook have a weird status thing today, where you're asked to post about your #ChristmasMiracles. I'm not sure exactly why it bugged me, maybe because all of a sudden my timeline was filled with strangers talking about their miracles, but more likely because in my life at least, miracles like the above happen every day.

(Note:  I wrote this article on Boxing Day, but didn't finish it.  I'm leaving it exactly as I wrote it, but noticed an really unusual pattern of thinking in the paragraph above.  It's the most negative thing I've noticed myself saying in a long while, and look at the subject!  I'm complaining about people talking about their miracles.  Wait... What?!  As you read on in this article, you'll see how different the tone is in the rest of it.  I clearly wasn't quite as well then as I thought I was - but the good news is, I'm obviously improving fast because now I'm quite shocked at myself for ever having felt that way.  That's progress!!  It's also only one paragraph in the entire blog, so I'm clearly doing extremely well overall!  I'm posting on the 12th January, but the rest of this part is still about 26th December)

Last year my beautiful grandson made his appearance on the 27th December, so this year is officially his 1st Christmas.  Normally we have our Christmas meal on a day somewhere near Christmas so that the kids can see their dads and  their families, so last year we ended up having turkey sandwiches in the hospital rather than a sit down meal.  This year we'll be having turkey on the 28th, so it was no major panic today as I was only meant to be doing a buffet today anyway.  We did rather well in the end, and there's still loads of food left over.  Believe me, that's something of a miracle - as well as the rain and thunder from an almost cloudless sky!  Then when editing this article today (12th Jan) I remembered that Google is my friend, and look at the gift it had saved for me... 

...and look at the date that was posted!! 10:10.  Only this morning I posted a link about Edgar Caycee and 11:11 synchronicities

Back to the original posting from the 26th December...

The last two days have been... a bit odd.  I had a bit of a manic episode, but to be honest, it was in the privacy of my own home, I stayed home alone, and everything was fine. I now know how to deal with any future episodes, and although I'd much rather live without these episodes, at least I know for sure I can handle them.  I'm never a danger to anyone, I just get a bit carried away with my thoughts now and again, like the time a few months ago when I just knew I was meant to be saving the world with a certain favourite singer of mine.  Luckily I didn't make too much of a fool of myself (I don't think!) and was treated very kindly by the lovely lady who was on the receiving end of my mania that time and sent home for some sleep.  It helped a lot, and although I did end up getting treatment for the underlying breakdown, I didn't cause any problems to anyone (that I know of!)

Earlier this week, I lost another friend.  I seem to be making something of a habit of that just lately, but unfortunately this loss was unavoidable and I'm not the only one feeling it.  The friend in question was yet another witty, intelligent, hilariously irreverent friend and she'll be just as sadly missed as the others who also went long before their time.  I've felt each of these losses deeply, but this time my reaction to was a bit different.

I've known her for about 10 or 11 years.  We had a bit of friendly rivalry at the beginning due to a competition we were both front runners in, and I was very proud to say I'd beaten her on that occasion.  She wasn't embarrassed to let me know she was ticked off that I'd won - and it didn't stop us from being friends because she just had this way about her where she could say pretty much whatever she wanted and get away with it.  I'd love to be more like her in that sense, but I worry far too much about what other people think.  I really need to stop that, because it's becoming a bit of a disabling factor.

(NB. I have almost entirely stopped worrying what other people think.  I went out on Saturday night with 2 friends and into 2 pubs where most people were really dressed up.  I was wearing jeans and a t shirt and a thin waterproof jacket.  In the past I'd have worried that I wasn't wearing the "Saturday night uniform" of lots of make up and heels I couldn't walk home in, but this time I laughed, danced, sang, and generally enjoyed myself.  And I only had 3 drinks all night!  Turns out I don't need to be drunk to let myself go after all!)

This morning I caught the tail end of Pollyanna on BBC2.  Anyone who knows the friend I'm talking about will probably wet themselves that I went from talking about her to Pollyanna, and well they might!  It's not really a comparison anyone's likely to make, but that's not what this is about, so stop laughing and come back to the story ;O)

Pollyanna was another film I loved as a kid, and I've always thought it was because of the rainbows she introduced me to that were produced by the prisms hanging in her windows.  Watching it today though, I realised that actually, that film probably had a much deeper effect on me than I'd originally thought.  There's a scene where she's talking to the preacher from the local church.  He's a bit of an ogre, and usually preaches hell-fire and damnation, but Pollyanna's locket has an inscription saying "If you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, then you surely will".  The preacher starts talking about love and compassion in church, and before you know it, the whole town is happy and grateful for what they have - and they're all rallying around helping in times of need.  As Pollyanna leaves the village at the end, the townsfolk are adding to the bottom of the town sign "The Glad Town" - and they all lived happily ever after!! *insert excited clapping here*

I went looking for facts and figures for this (yep, I'm doing research for this stuff you know!) and discovered that there's a dictionary entry for a "Pollyanna" and it's someone who's "foolishly or blindly optimistic".  Well, that's an accusation I've had leveled at me on more than one occasion, so that film definitely had an effect on me - and not just because of the magic of the rainbows!

When I was getting ready for the day, I had my iPod on shuffle as usual, and as ever, the songs were particularly relevant.  First up was Bob Marley singing about three little birds and smiling at the rising sun.  OK, so it was past sunrise, but I did smile at the sun pretty early!  He also said not to worry about a thing, because every little thing is gonna be alright.  Well I have to tell you, I trust Bob's every word now, and here's why.  

When I was in hospital, I was running late one day and Mr Marley was in my earphones when I saw a woman wearing a jacket with a company logo.  The previous day, my friend had been telling me that her husband had just got a new job, and I was fairly sure it was the same company.  I wouldn't usually have said anything, but Bob had said about 8 times in a row, "Say something, say something.." so I did.  It turned out the woman's husband had interviewed someone earlier that week and she didn't know the guy's name, but that he was starting a couple of days later.  I asked if her husband was called Paul, and he was, so we came to the conclusion that it must indeed be my friend's husband.  It turned out she was going to the approximate place I was, and she very kindly gave me a lift.

On the journey she asked me where I wanted her to drop me off, so I told her where I was going, but that anywhere close by would be absolutely fine as I now had plenty of time to walk to where I needed to be.  I couldn't believe it when she told me where she was going.... Next door but 3 from where I used to live - which also happens to be at the end of the street I was going to!  So I got a lift to within 2 minutes walk of my final destination!  Cheers for the little miracle Bob!

The lift meant that I was early, so I called in to see my friend's Mum to tell her the story of how Bob Marley got me a lift home, and at the end of it she said "Aww, that's a lovely story Sarah!!  But I have to tell you, he doesn't work for that company!"  So now go back and count the synchronicities in the above and tell me it's just a coincidence! LOL!

Then in October I was walking through Manchester and spotted a poster advertising that the Wailers were coming to The Ritz... I wouldn't even look at a poster like that usually, but there you go.  They were amazing - and look at this photo I took!  How amazing are all those orbs <3 

I could list little miracles like this all day.  Like the woman in the Spanish airport who couldn't give me the keys for a rental car because I'd bought the wrong insurance and had no spare money with me... so she offered me a lift to a hotel but then along the way decided that instead she'd just take me home with her to sleep in her spare bed!  Or the day I asked a policeman in Piccadilly Gardens for directions to a cafe I'd been unable to find, only to be told that the person he was talking to worked for the company in question!  There are so many stories like this that you probably wouldn't believe me if I did go on.

Up next on my Magical Mystery Shuffle was another Bob song, Could You Be Loved.  "So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you.."  Oh, this is something I really struggle with.  Being judged.  I hate it.  I've felt that I'm not judgmental for a long time, but over the last few months I'd noticed that there were occasions where I was indeed judging.  Not on behaviours so much, but I've been working hard on it, because it's not an attractive trait and I like to think I'm pretty much there now.  The difference between the old me and the new improved version is, when I catch myself doing it now, I immediately let the judgement go and deal with the person in question with an open mind.  It takes practice, but nobody else can keep a track of my thoughts so it's all down to me ;)

My hope is that by not judging other people, I'm less likely to be judged... but when you've been in the mental health system, it often feels as though everyone around you is constantly judging.  I worry about everything I say now.  I often feel as though the only topic of conversation is how my thinking and lifestyle have changed since September, and that I constantly have to justify my decisions to everyone.  I'm not sure how exactly that happened, but I know it's because people care.  The problem is, I'm never going to go back to my old ways of thinking, and I really don't want to spend the rest of my life justifying that.  Most of my decisions don't affect anyone else, not the ones that are causing the worry anyway.  I've been making decisions for a lot of years now, and I have quite a lot of experience, even if I am one of the most indecisive people I know!  However, it does get a bit wearing when I'm constantly defending those decisions and trying not to be too "new Sarah".

Oh how I love thee Google!  It's been a catchphrase in my social circle that "Google is your friend!" whenever anyone asks a question none of us know the answer to, (or we're bored of answering for other people!) so for that to be proven by today's showering of gifts is yet another miracle for me to add to the ever growing list!  Here's what I was given when I searched for an image for "I'm not the me I used to be".  It covers the exact point I was just making about judgements more perfectly than I could have imagined! 


Who would have thought that Paris Hilton had grown up while she's been off our 
screens?  And yet we're still judging her for who she used to be.

I don't want to hide who I am.  I've always (well ok, mostly!) been proudly Me, but all of a sudden, I'm not the "me" my friends know and love, and it's hard to handle.  The thing is, maybe I AM a little bit crazy - but I've thought about this a lot over the last couple of weeks, and in my opinion, I'm the good kind of crazy!  I believe in miracles, I believe in synchronicity, I believe we can have a better world, and I believe that a positive attitude brings far more happiness than any other state of mind.  I used to believe that I could make the better world with the help of one person, but now I know it's going to take a LOT more of us than just two.  

Above all, I believe in Angels.  I always have, ever since I was little and heard about Guardian Angels.  Mine have done a fabulous job of looking after me my whole life.  They still do, on a daily basis, and every time I find myself in less than perfect circumstances, something happens to make everything better.  A cheque through the post in the nick of time, or a houseful of furniture for £300 when a bin bag of clothes was the sum total of my possessions (I did have the bank balance to afford it, even if I didn't have much else at the time!)  I'm looked after, and I always have been - so why would that suddenly stop now?

I also believe that when a life ends, the spirit lives on.  Spirit, soul, whatever, I don't believe they're packed off to heaven or hell for the rest of eternity (and neither do I believe in a purgatory where people have to hang around while the decision is being made as to which of the alternatives is deemed suitable!)  It's a standing joke amongst my friends and me that we're going to hell because that's where all the fun people will be, but I don't really believe it and never really have.  The fun people are FUN!  They're not evil, they're not generally law breakers (although some of our laws may disagree with that statement!) and they certainly don't deserve to burn in hell for enjoying sex and drugs and rock and roll.  Plus, I've had psychic/spiritual readings where some of my friends have put in appearances after their passing, with such accurate details that it couldn't possibly be a coincidence.  So yeah, I believe in some psychics.

I believe in Reiki because it's based on our natural vibration and frequency.  I believe in the power of plants to heal us, and I believe that it's time we started looking at ancient knowledge with a new attitude instead of poo-poohing every school of thought that disagrees with "common knowledge".  I believe that we're living in a illusion, and I believe it's of our own making.  If you're starting to doubt me, please go and watch Tom Shadyac's documentary film, I Am.  I watched it last week, (and wrote this blog) and now my beliefs are pretty much confirmed.

We don't really live in a 3 dimensional world as we've all been told - or rather, there's no need for us to carry on living there - but it's a really difficult concept to wrap your head around.  I'm going to keep on trying to explain it until I get it right, and you can find a couple of previous attempts here and here.  Hopefully you'll find the time to read them all, and the combined ideas and information will help you to see things from a different angle.  I do actively encourage discussion as well, so if you have a question please do leave a comment and I'll get back to you with my thoughts.  In fact, any interesting comments will likely lead to at least a paragraph of my thoughts or perhaps even an entire blog!

Over the last few days I've also been told that I have a gift... Empathy.  Now I've always had a good dose of empathy, it got me a job once upon a time, but I didn't think it was a "gift" as such.  I've been guided to different bits of information though, and it seems that it is indeed a gift.  I've always been "overly emotional" and able to put myself in someone else's shoes, but that's always been a bit of an amusement when it comes to crying uncontrollably at films or at my kids' achievements.  Looking into it further though, it seems that an Empath actually feels other people's emotions.

I'd read other articles though, which said about it being a debilitating condition, and as I've never considered myself severely affected, I assumed it didn't apply to me.  When I've looked more deeply though, I started thinking about the positive effect I tend to have on people.  I've genuinely lost count of the number of times people have said "thanks, I feel so much better after talking to you" when they'd arrived in the absolute doldrums, and I've always been told I give great hugs.  Turns out, that's my gift.  I can help people to feel better just by talking to them or touching them.  How awesome is that??  I was led to this conclusion by my beautiful new friend and soul sister MamaFoo who wrote this article just for me (and people who quite literally *feel* the way that I do!)

We currently live in a world where we're told that magic is just trickery, where we either go to heaven or hell when we die, where we think we have no control.  Where we let our governments get away with whatever they want because "it's just the way it is".  

I believe it's time we started questioning everything.  Who decided that things are the way that they are?  Why do we believe them, and not the evidence found in people like Dynamo?  How's that for a curveball!!  Bear with me, it'll make sense soon, but have a look at him first, he's bluddy brilliant!! 

I've been saying for a while now that I believe Jesus was actually a really good magician like Dynamo is, who also happened to have a kind heart and a lot of very wise stuff to say.  Why wouldn't people have wanted to be like him?  He spoke a lot of sense!  His words have been twisted by many now, and so we've turned our backs on religion in droves, but when you ask yourself what Jesus would really do, I know you'd come up with a better answer the propaganda being spread by some so-called churches now.

To me, Dynamo is performing miracles every day.  One of the girls in that video said "I couldn't believe my eyes"... Maybe it's time to stop believing our eyes, and start listening to our hearts? 

Listen to Your Heart

And Google - listen to Google as well, because it really is your friend, and it's absolutely laden with gifts, just waiting for you to find them.  It's a modern day Easter Egg Hunt, and instead of eggs, we're digging up Time Capsules.

How awesome is that?!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

A response to some questions

A couple of weeks ago, the editor of The Cult Den published an opinion piece of mine.  You can find it in two parts, by clicking this link for part one, and this link for part two.

This blog is my reply to David Martin's response The Cult Den is no more, so I'm afraid I don't have his response at the moment.  I'll edit and repost a link if I manage to get hold of a copy at some point)

How exciting!!  Not only did David Martin read my article about how to take the next step in evolving the internet, but he was moved to write a response!  Not only did he write a response, but he sent virtual hugs within it!  I'm a very happy Sarah now, I love hugs, virtual or real (although common courtesy suggests that the real life ones are preceded by at least an introduction thank you please!)  It also gives me the opportunity to get my pretty purple Notepad out again and let my fingers do the talking.

In a brief exchange of tweets after David's response was announced, I said "I'll be back" and David replied "#hastalevista".  Now I'm something of a pedant when it comes to spelling, and I have a basic knowledge of a couple of other languages - enough to know that it's hasta LA vista, because the A at the end of vista tells me it's a feminine word and therefore not preceded by "le".  This led me to a Ted Talk about linguistics, which didn't cover masculine and feminine (I didn't expect it to, I had something else in mind) but helped me in a totally unexpected but wonderful way.  It's probably advisable to watch this before reading so that everything from here makes sense.

Censorship is a topic of huge debate, whichever way you look at it.  Who gets to decide what's good for us?  The recent new UK laws regarding the British porn industry is a good case in point.  Pretty much all of the newly banned acts involve female pleasure, so I've come to my own conclusions about those who wrote the list.  

There's a huge list of banned books too.  Who banned them?  Why were they banned?  Doesn't human nature mean that our curiosity should be piqued sufficiently to go and read everything we can get our hands on?  Of course it does, and whilst those books remain almost impossible to find, we can't be bothered to try and dig them out.  My current obsession with quantum and metaphysics led me to a podcast with David Yurth.  Global Freedom Movement describe him as "...an independent scientist, inventor, patent holder, and general fount of knowledge. Co-developer of the Y-Bias model of physics and cosmology, he has much of value to say on a boggling array of compelling subjects—including no shortage of challenges to the status quo (just what we like around here!)."  I love him <3

He's read a lot of books, many of which are "hidden" because either they were banned, or not widely published in the first place. Now he's a "general fount of knowledge" (to which my inner pedant is screaming "It's a font of knowledge!").  You may say "don't believe everything you read", but don't worry, I don't.  The things I believe are the ones that quite literally ring true.  I can feel it when something is true; I can wrap my head around it, and it resonates with me.

Isn't that interesting language?  "Wrap my head around it" - I can fit it into my brain because it makes sense.  "Rings True" and "resonates".  This brings us right back to metaphysics and vibrations.  When something resonates, we can feel that it's right.  In my world, it really is as simple as that.

Aldous Huxley's Brave New Word is a new one on me, so I can't give an in depth response about the book itself, but I can point out a very interesting linguistic form of control in the very use of his name. I've heard his name before, but have never known exactly who he was, or what he'd written.  To be honest, it usually makes me think of Huxley Pig.  You know, the pig who has daydreams - and daydreaming is heartily discouraged and used to be a punishable offence when I was in primary school.  Plus, he's a pig.  

So my automatic reaction when Aldous Huxley's name is mentioned, is to think of a pig.  An animal.  Lesser than a human.  A human who does that silly, childish thing called day dreaming.

Not an ideal start to get me on the road to reading anything written by the real Huxley is it?

I don't want to go down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole, I've been there before and it gets tiresome very quickly.  My view now is that the books were written in complete innocence, it was a cute idea for a cartoon, and although I've never watched an episode, it probably does teach children good things.  It's great that children's minds are very possibly being positively influenced by the cartoons or animations, and I hope that will help towards the greater good that I can't help but talk about.

The problem is the underlying mind control as we grow up in this society.  The banning of daydreaming in school time, so that we automatically see it as "a very bad thing".  

Let me tell you a little bit more about Sarah.  I daydream.  A lot.  I daydream regularly about one particular person, and he doesn't even know I exist.  Quite literally.  I'm not talking about someone I've met in real life who "doesn't know I exist" in a metaphorical way because he has no idea I want to do.... He has no idea of my existence, that's all you need to know. Ha!  

Daydreaming is good.  Trust me, it's the best natural high when you have a particularly good one.  I've found myself standing in my living room, singing into an imaginary microphone and imagining the recording studio around me, and the way my co-star looks at me as we're singing together.  It was AWESOME!!  Who bloody cares if it wasn't real?!  I felt real emotions while I was doing that.  I was in that studio.  He was singing to me and looking into my eyes, and we connected.  I went to bed so happy, and I think I even dreamed about him that night.  Why wouldn't you want to experience your own high like that?  Why are we being taught our whole lives that it's childish and silly and not to do it?

I guess it's so that we don't experience those intense feelings of joy.  Joy.  Joy is one of my favourite words, and now it's also the name of one of my favourite people!  How cool is that?  I often say that there's always room for more joy in your life - and now there's an embodiment of joy as well!!  While I'm in that joy of the moment, enJOYing my daydream, I have no fear about anything.  There are no bills to worry about, I don't feel hungry, I'm not worrying about anything.  I'm too busy enJOYing the moment.

It's the same when we watch a band, or a new movie, tv episode, read a new book etc.  Entertainment is vitally important.  We're living in someone else's mind for a little while when we watch a movie.  We're living in our own minds when we read a book, because even though the author wrote the words, it's our imagination that fills with the background.  That's why seeing the movie after you've read the book is always a disappointment for at least some people.  

When you read that book, your imagination builds the scenery.  When a movie is made, other people's imaginary scenery is brought to life.  The nuance you put on each conversation is personal to you, so a director's view of the book is more than likely different in many ways to your understanding of the book.  Quantum wave theory shows us that there are innumerable possibilities, and although there will be some concentrated overlaps in what actually happens, there are also lots of places where there's no concentration or overlap at all.

I'm getting into yet another rabbit hole now.  I need to come back to the point....

David asks: Who is to say what is acceptable and what isn't? What should be included on the main stream internet and what shouldn't?

That's where I need to fill the gaps a bit.  "Is it for the greater good?" covers everything.  Inventions, discoveries, talents, ad infinitum.  However, the emphasis of the article was put as being "Entertainment".  That emphasis wasn't mine, it was the editor's.  See what I mean about those waves of possibility?  Now that the emphasis has been put there, I can answer the question that has arisen.

Entertainment is important, there's no two ways about that, and I've already demonstrated above that's how I feel.  Everyone has different things they enjoy, and we all love to be entertained.  I think my main question when it comes to entertainment would be "does it cause harm to anyone?"  We're all familiar with the "no animals were harmed in the making of this..." but what about people?  There are a lot of books, films, music, etc where people are harmed.  But was any actual person caused intentional harm in the making of this movie?  Was anyone forced to do something against their will in the making of this movie?  We need to see the distinction between fact and fiction.  Yes, there may have been many people harmed in the story of this movie, but was any actual blood shed?  Were any actual arms chopped off or was it CGI?  Was anyone actually doing anything against their will, or were they actors who wanted to play this particular part?  I'm thinking about the porn industry as much as anything else here.  Were all the actors happy with everything their role entailed?  Is it something I might enJOY?  OK then good, let's have a look!

Certification still needs to come into play, but let's be more open minded about it.  Let's certify things according to what we, as good parents, would want our children to see.  There would be grey areas where some people think that a movie given a 12 rating is suitable for their 10 year old, but there'd also be parents of 14 year olds who'd rather they didn't see it.  That should be where parental control comes in.  Most parents do care about their children.  We don't need the government to tell us how to do it, because we've been taught how to be good parents by our upbringing - and where that may have failed, our own instincts have kicked in and we've made a conscious decision not to do something that hurt us. Obviously this isn't always the case, but those cases involve harm to a human being, and therefore come in under the two questions above.  

The representative members of society are society as a whole.  We don't need a room to sit in, we're volunteering on our own time in our own homes.  Nobody commutes to this job, and nobody gets paid.  It's all done on an ad-hoc basis from our own homes on our own methods of internet surfing.  Nobody is chosen for their CV, they're recommended and verified by their own usage.  Anyone who tried slipping something vile in would be very quickly spotted, the content removed, and then it's back over at channel 1 for the people who really want to watch it - and maybe a government would then remove it (I don't know, I'm not focusing on Internet 1 any more!)

This is getting really long, so I'll address the other points more briefly (if I can manage it!)  "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".  I am no more able to deny this than anyone else - we can all see the evidence before us today in very real terms.  That's why no one person has absolute power, and why it's of vital importance that this is a community endeavour.  The online community, not someone sitting in a seat in an office with a big red button in front of them.

"They are ideas that all fair minded people aspire to"  Yes.  And that's exactly why all fair minded people are positively encouraged to become part of the community of moderators, and how it's self-regulating and self-perpetuating.

I'll cover religion in it's own post, I have an opinion piece in mind after watching Bill Maher's documentary, Religulous.  I have far too much to say on that subject to expand on my views here.  (*edit. I've now posted said article Here)

"...the voiceless and marginalised are always down trodden"  Agreed, they are, because the system we're currently living under keeps it that way.  With channel 2, there would no longer be voiceless folks, because we'd all be thinking "for the good of all".  

When something is a "reality", nobody questions it.  The sun comes up in the morning, every day.  It's an unquestionable fact, and therefore we don't even think about it.  I wonder how many doubters would have had something to say about the vision of the internet itself before that was a reality?  I do honestly welcome questions about my vision, but I do have the proviso that if you ask questions, you listen to and think about the answers with an open mind.  It really is like a parachute!

The problem with trying to explain my view of this, is that it's all-encompassing.  I can see that it would work, because I know the positive impact of positive energy.  Light and Dark, as mentioned, are very relevant.  Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

We're currently under the control of the Darkness.  We're living in fear because we're constantly bombarded with images that stir up fear.  ISIS, Ebola, war, racism, child abuse, immigration.... the list goes on and endlessly on.  We live in constant fear of things that have been around since time immemorial.  The media has brought all of these things to our attention, and yes, they do need attention, I'm not denying that for a second.  

The problem is, we're focusing on the wrong things.  Instead of focusing on the problems, we need to be focusing on the solutions.  We need to be doing something about them, getting rid of the problem at it's root.  We have the answers to all of those problems.  Very clever people all over the world are coming up with incredible ideas and putting them into action.  School girls in Nigeria have invented a urine powered generator - water powered generators of all kinds could revolutionise power generation. That's one problem that has a solution.  This boy's daydreaming brought him to a solution for his Grandad's wandering due to Alzheimers.  

I promise you, there's a solution to every problem we're facing in the world today, because someone who's suffering the problem has daydreamed their way to a solution.  That's why we need to daydream, and why we need to change our way of thinking.  The video I linked at the top of this article mentions "theft of ideas".  We need to stop thinking of it as theft, and go back to thinking of it as "sharing of knowledge".  Nikola Tesla was an incredible inventor, but ridiculed in his time.  Tesla have recently shared their knowledge so that any car manufacturer in the world can produce a car based on their technology - which is much better for the environment than petrol and diesel cars.  Imagine the possibilities if all the good ideas were shared in one place... 

Have a problem?  Find a solution - and if you can't daydream one up, Google it, on Internet Channel 2!

Metaphysics, MIBs, and my Mental Meanderings

"I am a preacher when I've got it on me, and I've got it on me" - Guy Garvey - I love that man!  And yeah, I've got it on me, so now you have to sit through my thoughts on Men In Black 3 and the myriad of metaphors behind that.  Just a quick warning for the faint of heart, this is an very honest post and contains reference to cannabis. Consider yourself warned :)

Over the last couple of months I've developed a huge interest in Quantum and Metaphysics and it's totally taken me by surprise.  I didn't try particularly hard at school.  In infant school I was very obviously bright and got high marks on pretty much any test they could throw at me.  By the time I got to high school I'd lost interest and spent a lot of time lounging around in the bus station cafe and generally getting up to mild mischief.  I wasn't a criminal unless you count underage smoking, drinking and the odd bit of sex (oh, and not going to school when I was supposed to!) and I left home two days after I left school with a grand total of 6 qualifications - Four 16+/O-Levels and two CSEs - I was in the last year before GCSEs started.

I also hated science.  

I did everything I could think of to get out of it, and when I discovered that taking Geology meant I'd have one less PE lesson a week (I hated that too!) I jumped at the chance - I also managed to convince the teachers that I should be allowed to drop Biology since I was now taking another "ology", and I got my own way.  I do love getting my own way!!

So yeah, it came as a massive surprise when I watched a video on Quantum theory a few weeks ago and discovered that I totally understood what they were talking about! Everyone's always said it's really complicated so I've never bothered even looking.  Just goes to show, don't take anybody else's word for anything - find out for yourself!  It's a big interest of mine now, and I get a bit obsessed with it in my head sometimes, thinking about parallel universes and how all of our lives are interwoven without us really thinking about it - and sometimes without even knowing!

The Men In Black theme tune popped up on my iPod shuffle one morning in October while I was standing outside smoking.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and I was watching a couple of birds flying around in a bright sky when something caught my eye.  As I turned to my left, a man came around the corner wearing a black overcoat and dark sunglasses!  I did an actual LOL, and as he passed me I told him about the MIB song being his theme tune.  He laughed with me, and as he carried on to wherever he was going, I shouted "thanks for defending the galaxy, keep up the good work!" and carried on chuckling to myself long after he'd disappeared.  You wouldn't believe how often my shuffle played wholly appropriate and/or hilarious songs on a daily basis, but that's a subject for a blog if I ever get around to setting one up.

Yesterday I decided to watch the original Men In Black again, in line with the theme of watching films from years ago and rethinking what they mean to me.  I don't have the DVD - at least, I don't think I do, and it was far easier to look on YouTube on my phone (which I can then play through my TV! That's pretty cool) and I found it on there.  I got myself organised with a drink and something to eat, and then settled down to watch it.  At first I was a bit annoyed to find it was MIB3 that I'd found, but as I'd only seen it once before (and I'd been a bit stoned at the time!) I decided I'd have another look.

Oh, how pleased am I that I did??  As I say, my quantum obsession is in it's absolute infancy.  I couldn't explain much more than Schrodinger's Cat (and I might struggle to explain even that concept just yet) but I've grasped the basics of waves, and now I want to devour as much information as I can.  It also runs right through the centre of the story of MIB3.  Hoorah!!

I'm now watching it for the 3rd time since it was released, and writing this as I do.  I'll waffle on a LOT, so get yourself a snack and a drink and have a little wander around the beautiful and colourful randomness that is my mind.  Make yourself at home!  There are a lot of articles popping into my various feeds at the moment which point the reader towards The Matrix and 1984 as being relevant to the way things are in the world right now, so I guess that's the perspective I'm looking at these movies from - and needless to say, I haven't seen or read either of the above... Yeah, yeah, I'll get round to it!

The film opens in a high security prison, and Nicole Sherzinger has great boobs. I'm sure she knows it too, which is why I have no objection to the blatant cleavage shot within a few seconds of the opening titles - why wouldn't she want you to look at them?!  She's come to visit the maximum security prisoner, Boris the Animal  ("It's just Boris!!") with the ubiquitous escape plan in a cake. It does make a huge point that she disappears within a few minutes of having served her purpose of looking beautiful and giving Boris what he wants, but hey, this is about metaphors, and that's a very relevant one to the female audience.  It'd be really great if everyone took note though, because we should be neither giving nor receiving that kind of treatment. (Told you I'm a preacher! Don't say I didn't warn you, it's right there in the first sentence!!)

"Let's re-write history, shall we K?"

Ooh yes, let's!!

History is written by the victors, we all know that.  Wars are fought because leaders convince the people that the opponents want to take their freedom.  Both sides think they're in the right.  That's how wars begin and history books come into being.  We're only ever told one side, so we just blindly believe what we're told, because it's in the books.  Then came the Internet.  All sides of the story are being told - yes, "all" sides.  Every person sees their own version of events.  Ten people at one event will all tell slightly different stories because no two of them were looking at exactly the same thing at exactly the same time.  So every version of the story is actually true, it's just that each person noticed different instances that made up the whole event. This is where I start to head down the rabbit hole, so I'll leave that there for now - find your own rabbit hole if you like! 

The reason I wanted to watch MIB in the first place was because of Orion's belt.  That concept of a galaxy in that tiny little ball on a dog's collar has stayed with me since I first saw the original.  I suppose you could say I've been thinking about metaphysics for a lot longer than I *think* I've been thinking about it, I just didn't know what it was called.  This video is actually a really good one to demonstrate perspective perfectly - The Known Universe by AMNH

"Good afternoon. Please give your attention to my associate, Agent J. He's going to demonstrate an Electro-Biomechanical-Neuro-Transmitting-Zero-Synapses-Repositioner, we call it the Neuralizer"

First I'm going to demonstrate what a rubbish geek I am... Whenever I've sung along with the theme tune, I've always called it a Normaliser.  Same thing really though, because that particular metaphor relates to MainStream Media.  I've capitalised it like that so I can just refer to it as MSM from now on - no, it's not laziness, it's efficiency! 

So yeah, MSM is the Neuralizer.  Remember all the footage we watched in 2001 when we were being given the official story of 9/11.  That's not a question, of course you remember it - we all do.  We all know exactly where we were when that news came through, and how many hours of MSM news we watched.  We all "knew" the names of the terrorists who had planned and executed it, and we all agreed that they needed to be stopped.  Or most of us did.  

In the years since that atrocity, more evidence has been coming to light, casting doubt on the story we'd all been told.  There are polls that show more than 50% of Americans no longer believe that a plane could bring down those buildings (and WTC7 wasn't even hit by a plane, why did that fall down??)  When you really look into it properly with an open mind, it's impossible to deny that the truth is something far removed from the story we've all been given to believe for all these years.  I could list alternative versions for days, but I'll let you do your own research when you feel ready to start questioning.  But remember, as K was very fond of saying, "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to"

The point is, the Neuralizer is used to confuse the citizens, and then they're fed an alternative, sanitised, "it's for your own good" version of events.  The MIBs don't want people running around in a panic about all the aliens, so they police them secretly and give people almost rational explanations for everything so that they can carry on with their lives completely oblivious to the dangers around them every day.  The MIBs are the "Light Side" of the coin.  For every negative, there's a positive!

I had a "nervous breakdown" a couple of months ago.  I was off work with depression, and during that time I started to get floods of information.  What started off as "what's my life's purpose?" turned into a huge idea that had arms, legs and a beating heart.  It grew pretty much everything else as well.  It was an all-encompassing idea that had the potential to actually change the world.  I've never had so many thoughts and ideas come to me in such a short time, and I tried everything I could to let people know about them.  

The problem was, there were too many - it was too big.  How do you explain everything you're thinking about when the person you're explaining to is coming in blind?  They don't know about every news article you've ever read, or every piece of music you love, or every person in your life and every conversation you've had with each of them, or every film or video you've watched... It's all just too much information, and when you start trying to explain it, your brain jumps around like a ping pong ball to other snippets of relevant information, which you then need to explain, and it all becomes very confusing, very quickly.  That's what happens when you fall into the rabbit hole.  

There's a little version of this in MIB3 when J is trying to find K at work, but nobody knows who K is.  He looks pretty insane in that moment, because he knows he's right, he knows K exists, but nobody around him has a clue what he's talking about.  Let me tell you, that's a very confusing and downright scary thing to go through. If anyone in your life becomes manic, and whilst you feel as though they're talking a lot of sense, they're simultaneously making no sense at all, please, be like O.  

Agent O: Wait. How long have you been craving chocolate iced dairy products?

Agent J: Just today.

Agent O: Are you experiencing headaches, dizziness, loss of balance?
Agent J: Mmhmm.
Agent O: Agitation, depression?
Agent J: Hell, yeah!
Agent O: There are only two possibilities. One is you've been bitten by the Horbathion brain tick, you could die in horrible agony at any moment.
[suddenly O slaps J hard in the face]
Agent J: Aah!
Agent O: Dammit. It's not the tick.
Agent J: Dammit it's not the tick? There's something worse than the tick? 
Agent O: Mm. 

Listen to them, ask questions, and be patient.  Tell them not to worry, look after their physical needs, let them blabber on about whatever's on their mind, because it's way better than the tick.  Above all, please don't slap them - they might slap you back!

I have a theory, and it's backed up by lots of stories online, that "a nervous breakdown" is actually an emotional wake up.  It's an Awakening.  That's why I got so excited about the Star Wars clip.  That flood of information I was (am!) receiving was actually old memories awakening. Memories of my childhood, of everything I've read, the music I've loved, the speeches I've heard, the places I've been, the people I've met.... everything.  Everything.  All coming back and fitting itself together into the jigsaw that makes up my life so far.  I had all the pieces all along, I'd just never put them all together and then taken a step back to look at the bigger picture.

I did start to look in September.  I started to listen more too, and everything gets absorbed, then filed away for future reference.  It's amazing what I trip over when I'm wandering around in this ever expanding mind of mine - the light's are on, and Sarah is most definitely home!  Come on in, it's warm and cosy.  There are pretty colours and beautiful pictures, epic romances, heart rending tragedies, and countless miracles.  There even stars.  Millions and millions of them. Planets, space, shooting stars to order, and if you order them in, I'll come and lie beside you and we can watch the show together.  My mind is a rabbit hole, and I do always welcome mad hatters!

So when you feel that your friend or loved one is losing their mind; wonder whether maybe they're not losing their mind, but in fact *finding* it.  Watch them grow, trust their instincts, and let them enjoy the journey.  They don't need your judgement, they need your love. Remember always, it's not your journey, you don't have to understand it, they just have this undeniable need to tell their story - and who better to tell than someone they love?  All you might need to do is make sure the practicalities are attended to - in the words of the great man himself (that's Bob Marley by the way) "Everything's gonna be alright" 

Just as a bit of confirmation of this, I used to love my job, and then I didn't.  Then I resigned, and the third time I gave them my notice they accepted it.  I'm now following my heart, with all the time in the world for thinking and writing - and you lucky souls get an open invitation to the bits I'm willing to show you.  Don't worry, I'm very open, you may even find that you get more insight into the workings of Sarah than you'll ever be totally comfortable with.  Like I said, this is my world, and I love it here - you don't even have to like it, all I ask is that you're polite about it :)  

I've gone from a job, to doing what I want to do, and that makes my heart really happy.  There are a lot of things that make my heart smile, and writing is right up there near the very top.  Knowing that something I write might reach out and tap someone on the shoulder warms it too.  Having them turn around and tell me how it touched them is the icing on the cake.  That's the big hug from someone who knows exactly what I'm talking about, and I love it.  Truly.

Hugs are free, and always appreciated more than you can know, whatever form they take :)