“The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One-One (1-1-1-1); Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!” ~ Edgar CayceI started this blog this morning and then it got left to one side.
Procrastinator extraordinaire!!
Turns out, that was another synchronicity, because now I have something important to say.
I've noticed more and more recently that the Collective Consciousness is growing stronger every day. Especially in the days leading up to Christmas, and then everything has sped up hugely since the turn of the New Year and the Full Moon on January 5th. There were also significant numerology connections but that's not an area of expertise for me. However, there are plenty of numerologists out there who will be saying the same thing and going into a lot of depth.
The next year we had 020202, then 030303 etc.
Once we got to 12/12/12 we had to move on to the time, so that's when we began to notice 11:11 more than ever before. Many people had been noticing it before then, but suddenly there were a lot more of us. As time has gone on, more people have been noticing 2:22, 3:33 etc and even up to 12:12
There are no more dates for the time being, but the 2nd February is likely to have some significance somewhere, and I've already been told that in particular the 4th of April has some amazing conjunctions in the cosmos. We are in very exciting times, people! And if you're reading this, then you're part of the team who are helping it to happen. You've wanted and craved change for such a long time now, yet you're still fighting against it in your head.
Don't believe me? Do you spend most of your time knowing everything will be ok in the end? Or are you focusing on all the terrible things that are going on in the world and thinking that there needs to be death and destruction before anything can change for the better?
Hasn't there been enough death and destruction by now? Enough wars? Enough terrible things?
Yes. I'm not even waiting for your answer on that one because there has been enough - more than enough.
We know that there is not only a Father God, but a Mother God as well. We've lived through over 2,000 years of a patriarchy, and most of us had no idea until very recently - but now we do know, and we're remembering who we are. Those visions of ancient times, historical events, future ways... they're not just visions, they're memories. Your memories.
Over the last few weeks, those of us already working towards the betterment of everything have been receiving downloads of DNA upgrades. Many other people had received their upgrades, since at least 21st December 2012 when the Mayan calendar ended. I have mentioned in a previous blog that their calendar ended because it was the end of an era rather than the end of the world. Since the 1st January 2001 the old era has been ending, and since 21st December 2012 the new one has been beginning. We're in the final stages of the transition now, and believe me, it's going to be absolutely amazing when we get to the other side of this!!
A few months ago I was talking to my best friend about double rainbows. I've only started seeing them since my lovely Kev took a photo of one while he was in New Zealand, and I've seen more and more of them since he died over there. My friend hadn't heard of them until I mentioned them, and then the very next day she saw one for herself! This goes towards proving that the results of Quantum experiments are pointless, because they are affected by the Observer's pre-existing judgements. In Schrodinger's experiment with the cat, he limited the outcomes by saying that the cat would either be alive or dead. We know from many other experiments that there are endless possibilities until the Observer gets involved, and then it pings into one choice.
If the only expected possibilities are that the cat is alive, or the cat is dead, then those will be the only results that will ever be seen. That experiment could only have proved that if something has a 50% chance of being right, then 50% of the time it will be wrong. Who needed to put a cat's life in danger to prove that?!
So I hadn't seen a double rainbow until Kev pointed one out, and then I began to see them almost every time there was a combination of sunshine and rainfall. Were they double rainbows all along, but I'd only been able to see the single bow because that's how they'd always been presented to me in art, stories and tv programmes? Was I blinded by expectations?
Then yesterday this photo appeared on my timeline, and after having thought about the above for so long, I got ridiculously excited. What if I'm right, and we couldn't see the other part of the double simply because we didn't know to look for it? How would you like to see this kind of rainbow every time the sun came out to play in the rain??
Now you've seen it, you can't unsee it. I'm planning to print this off so that I get it really set in my mind what it looks like, and then I'll know what to look for when the weather allows next time. How flippin' exciting is that??
Well, I can tell you, it gets even better! I mentioned synchronicity in the title as well. So I know that by now this blog will already be resonating deeply with many of you, because we're being affected by Collective Consciousness now. Everyone in the world is being affected by it. Look at those marches in Paris and London after the terrorist acts. People are standing up, and they're making sure it's known that they won't take this lying down any more.
There are still some people who are still in the dark about what's going on around them. Those people will be in your friends and family groups, and they need you to shine your light so they can see the way, but please remember not to blind them by shining it straight into their eyes. I've made this mistake, and the result is a family who feel as though they've been through the Spanish Inquisition, complete with an electric lamp in their faces! It's not conducive to helping their vision, trust me. Now I'm lighting the pathway and allowing them their own time to ask for help. We'll all get there eventually - slowly, slowly, catchy monkey!!
A major part of shining the light is ensuring that we've let go of all of our own fears. The difficult thing about living through this time has (for me at least) been the stark difference between how happy and secure I feel in the privacy of my own home, in comparison to the doubts and fears that sneak in when I spend time outside with other people. That's enough to make anyone agoraphobic, but I know now that it's just one of the phases we need to go through in order to get to where we're going. A step on Jacob's Ladder if you like... Mamafoo's choice of artwork is just as beautiful as she is, and she's been a huge help to me on my journey - the perfect living example of a gentle nudge in the right direction, without ever telling me what to do. Exactly what a little rebellious child like me needs!! Love you lady!! <3
This brings me to Twin Flames and Soulmates and the difference between them. There's so much confusing information around, and up until about 3 months ago I hadn't even heard the phrase twin flame. I've done bits of research, but it's so complicated I about gave up trying. Then I discovered who mine is. Oh wow! This is SO exciting I can barely contain myself!!!
OK wait, calm... Breathe!!
OK we all have a vague idea what a Soulmate is. Some of us have spent our entire lives in search of our own, and have been heartbroken so many times to discover that we were wrong. Again! But if you're anything like me, not one of those heartbreaks has stopped that inner knowing that your perfect partner is out there and you just haven't met yet? Well I'm here to tell you, we were right all along!
That's your Twin Flame. The One. The person you were always destined to be with for this time, and to infinity and beyond. You will live happily ever after, because you'll be with your true "other half".
Soulmates are slightly different than I'd previously been given to believe. All of the people in your immediate circle are soulmates. I'm lucky enough to have been born with many of mine, and we're mostly extremely old souls so we had a fair bit of Karma to release. All of those Karmic bonds have been released now though, so I'm hoping not to uncover any more surprises over the next few days!! (Just when I think they're all gone, another one pops up saying "Ha! You missed a bit!" and I have some more cleansing to do!) I can promise that those cleaning sessions get quicker and easier as you get towards the end of the path though. We've been practicing forgiveness on and off for our whole lives, so just remember that you already know how to do it - and practice makes perfect!
If you have soulmates within your family, then the relationships will have switched and changed around over different incarnations, and the people you bond with the most are those you have the least karmic debt with.
This also applies to ex lovers. It's easy to focus on the bitter breakup and the horrible things that were said at the end of a relationship, but those relationships started for the best of reasons. You both felt the soul recognition when your eyes met, whether you were conscious of it or not. As time went on, one of you realised that the other was not their "One" after all, and then the hurt begins. If you go beyond the hurt and back to when you first met and those first flushes of love, I'm sure you'll recognise the truth in what I'm saying. This is how we forgive the hurt from our past. Let it go. It wasn't their fault.
And more importantly to the ego, it wasn't your fault either.
We finally have the freedom to forgive when we realise that it's not their fault and nobody's to blame.
We can forgive anybody anything if we think about things from a soulmate point of view, coupled with a "nature and nurture" instead of an either/or scenario.
We're living in a black and white, yes or no, on or off world because we think that's the only way. And while we continue to think that's the only way, it continues to be the only way.
We have the power to change things - any of my other blogs will give you more reasoning behind this statement. Take your pick, they're all complimentary, they don't need to be read in any order. I've left a little trail of breadcrumbs via links within the blogs so they should all lead to each other eventually.
Part of our dualistic expectation is that for any pleasure to be enjoyed, first pain has to be endured. To a certain extent this IS true. Look at the pain we've all been through in our lives, what the world has gone through... and realise that we don't have to have any more death and destruction now. We've had all the destruction necessary for us to open our eyes, and now we have the skills and knowledge to start waking our brothers and sisters up. We're all connected, but I'll cover that in a later blog.
For now, please know that everything is going to be alright.
I've seen a warning this evening, because someone has been told to "brace yourself". I can completely understand this being scary under the circumstances, but at the same time, I can also reassure you that the warning has just been mistranslated.
"Brace yourself" for the impact that will be felt with the Twin Flames meet their other halves. When all that love, true love, endless love.... the ultimate happy ending to any story, when the Princess gets the Guy... that's going to have a really big effect. And it will be wonderful!
In fact, it will be F*!?ing Awesome!!
We are the Light Workers. It's our job to bring the light. It's time to let go of our fears, because they're coming from the old collective consciousness. It's obsolete now, it just doesn't realise it yet. It's like a lizard's tail that's been chopped off, and now we're just a bunch of kids watching it jump around on the pavement.
It's time to turn back to the business at hand. We all have really important work to do, but it doesn't have to be all serious!! The whole point of changing things is to get out of this paradigm we're currently stuck in, and while we're still paying attention to the lizard's tail, we're neglecting our relationships with our families and friends. Worst of all, we've been neglecting our relationships with ourselves.
Go within. You know that's where all the answers are, because you keep hearing those conversations in your head. Who do you think you're talking to? Yourself? Or your Self? Go and find your Self if you don't already know who you are. We'll be here to remind you if you need a gentle nudge in the right direction.
The reason for all the additional feminine energy just lately is that it's been so sadly lacking for so long. Our Matriarchs are taking some of the control back, but not all of it. This time it's a joint effort. Father God and Mother Earth.
We worshipped a God made in our own image, but it was given a male face. Now it's time to remember who our Mother is, and to thank her for looking after us and nurturing us even when we didn't realise she still loved us.
It's time to come home <3
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